Contact Us

801 E. Middletown Road
North Lima, OH
44452 USA
Phone: 1-330-783-2000
Fax: 1-330-965-9921

Business Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
Map data ©2025
Map data ©2025

Constantly Improving!

KTSDI has expanded, now we're even bigger and better equipped to handle all of your needs.

Our new, significantly larger facility is just a few short miles from our old facility in Youngstown Ohio. We've increased staff, increased spare parts selection, increased our service facility and increased our presence in the heavy duty vehicle market!

Our goal is to continue to offer you the same personal experience you've always gotten, we've still got real staff answering the phones, and we make every issue a priority!

Please be sure your records are up to date with our new address!

Quality Policy

KTSDI is committed to providing our customers and clients with the highest levels of service that conform to both national and international standards. Through the implementation of our quality management system we will meet all statutory, regulatory and customer driven requirements and create a proven and monitored system for ensuring customer satisfaction.

Quality and reliability is the hallmark of KTSDI and our staff and management will dedicate themselves to continually improving our system by closely monitoring outputs and customer feedback.


  • KTSDI has a long outstanding track record in the off highway vehicle design and controls market.
  • Working with many OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturers) KTSDI vehicle solutions have provided many unique electronic, hydraulic and mechanical control systems.
  • Our staff includes: Professional Engineers, Mechanical Designers, and Software Developers.
  • We specialize in very heavy load transport applications – Ranging from 100 to 10,000 Tons.
  • Applications include:
    • Steel mill transporter and slag pot carriers.
    • Ship building and modular transporters and SPMT (SELF PROPELLED MODULAR TRANSPORTER).
    • Specialized HEAVY load trailers.
    • Vehicle design and control solutions.

Our Staff

Our staff is trained, experienced and motivated and we have the skills and desire to help. Our management staff handles a wide variety of projects on a daily basis, from working with Equipment Manufacturers on designs and applications, to identifying and supplying spare parts to making a visit to customer sites for training or service.

Helping To Shape The Future

At KTSDI we firmly believe in preparing today’s youth for the challenges of tomorrow. We take an active part in our community and our country’s future by hosting, attending and assisting in numerous STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) events every year.

If we wait until our country’s youth is in high school or older to begin introducing them to STEM concepts then we’ve waited too long. That’s why we’re trying to make these concepts interesting, engaging and fun for young children. KTSDI, along with a wide variety of other local companies works hard to help shape America’s future by putting tools in the hands of developing youth. We do that by teaching them to change a tire or what renewable energy is, how 3d printing works or what CAD is. We teach the value of engineering principles in everyday life and show not only what jobs are available to them when they’re ready, but expose them to how interesting and fun these jobs can be.

We are proud to have been able to host dozens of local schools, children of all ages, politicians, teachers and businesses and we hope to be able to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
